Using AI-driven Health Indexing strategy to analyse a Generator Step Up (GSU) Transformer

Using AI-driven Health Indexing strategy to analyse a Generator Step Up (GSU) Transformer

In April 2020, a utility registers ultimate failure of a 100 MVA, 100/110 kV generator step-up (GSU) transformer. Built in 1980, the transformer was prone to particularly high level of hydrogen, ethylene, and acetylene presence in oil. The utility recognizes it as a...
Seetalabs is excited to release new add-ons for all users

Seetalabs is excited to release new add-ons for all users

Seetalabs is very excited to launch two new add-ons for existing and new users of their Ronin dahsboard to track the behavior of transformer fleets. What is Ronin? We are reinventing artificial intelligence (AI) applications for reliability-centered actions in...
Two New Tutorial Video Featured on Our YT Channel

Two New Tutorial Video Featured on Our YT Channel

We want to increase ways to stay in touch with our growing friendly bubble of clients around the world. After on demand webinars and “coffee chat corner”, we are finally releasing some useful tutorials to support your first steps inside our world.  ...