AI is antique

AI is antique

The history of Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be traced back to antiquity, where the concept of intelligent beings and automatons appeared in mythological tales from various ancient civilizations. However, the formalization of AI as a field of study began in the...
Revolutionizing Machinery Compliance: The Impact of EU Regulation 2023/1230 on Manufacturers, Importers, Distributors, and AI Developers

Revolutionizing Machinery Compliance: The Impact of EU Regulation 2023/1230 on Manufacturers, Importers, Distributors, and AI Developers

As anticipated in a previous post the New Machinery EU Regulation 2023/1230 is out.This will impact machinery manufacturers/importers/distributors and AI developers (software integrators), too. đŸ‘‰Transitional period. Directive 2006/42/EC is repealed with effect from 14...
Startup in Power Sector: scale up or down?

Startup in Power Sector: scale up or down?

An interesting post on Linkedin has caught my attention in recent weeks. It was a contribution from CESI’s Innovation Manager who expressed a concept of enormous impact from my point of view: “High voltage engineering and technology do not scale: you...
My Transformer’s Health Index doesn’t bite!

My Transformer’s Health Index doesn’t bite!

The transformer health index (HI) theory is one of the most debated approaches in the power industry. It is widely endorsed in CIGRE brochures with various methodologies, approaches, and recommendations. This article is not a technical discussion, instead an addressal...
Seetalabs is excited to release new add-ons for all users

Seetalabs is excited to release new add-ons for all users

Seetalabs is very excited to launch two new add-ons for existing and new users of their Ronin dahsboard to track the behavior of transformer fleets. What is Ronin? We are reinventing artificial intelligence (AI) applications for reliability-centered actions in...