Challenging bias: An open research project
All data is biased. But not all bias comes from data alone.Join a new perspective of researchWhenever we talk about data, we talk about bias that may come with data-driven decisions. As soon as artificial intelligence (AI) enters this mix, the implications could be...
A positive outlook on the energy transition strategies
We are at the doorstep of an energy crisis trilemma- security, affordability, and sustainability of power generation and distribution sources. Furthermore, exogeneous factors like weather fluctuation can also put the national energy system under pressure. Limited...
When artificial intelligence meets energy transition
Seetalabs is at the forefront of energy transition since its inception, providing an holistic artificial intelligence approach.
Helping the global utilities and industry transform artificial intelligence into a smart way to lead an inclusive and balanced energy transition with digital and sustainability at the core is our passion and our purpose.
Improved outage planning with health indexing models
Electricity is an integral part of our life and its sudden unavailability can be highly disryptive. Therefore, power and energy companies strives to maintain grid integrity and service continuity. An abrupt power outage leads to market backlash, harsh regulatory...
Using AI-driven Health Indexing strategy to analyse a Generator Step Up (GSU) Transformer
In April 2020, a utility registers ultimate failure of a 100 MVA, 100/110 kV generator step-up (GSU) transformer. Built in 1980, the transformer was prone to particularly high level of hydrogen, ethylene, and acetylene presence in oil. The utility recognizes it as a...
Meet Seetalabs at Enlit 2021 | Booth 12.IP21
Join Seetalabs at Enlit 2021, stand 12IP21 to explore how to improve your power transformers health indexing strategy
Seetalabs is attending Made in Steel exhibition in Milan from 5-7 Oct, 2021
If you are managing a substation, it is often necessary to know which assets are over- or under-preforming for smart manufacturing in steel industry. Join us to learn more about fleet management behavior and explore you true diagnostic potential using artificial...
New webinar announcement from Seetalabs
We are delighted to announce our upcoming webinar on "Intelligent Power Transformers Fleets Management" in cooperation with Servkon industrial solutions. Join us live to learn about the latest developments in remote monitoring...
Ronin-AI stories on furnace and step-up transformer management
We are back from our summer break with global client stories on predictive maintenance of furnace transformer and step-up transformer fleet from Ronin-AI world. This time we are starting with our latest series of video clips on Our quick response to...
AI-driven management of industrial transformers in steel industry
Seetalabs proudly announces the arrival of Feralpi group as clients for management of industrial transformers in their steel plants. Feralpi group is a renowned player in the steel industry with a production history of more than 2.5 million ton of steel across Europe...
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