In the aftermath of worldwide lockdown, there is a significant decline in the global energy demands. It has a staggering impact on traditional fossil-fuel based economies. While the industrial electricity demand reduced by 2-15%, the domestic demands have increased.
Despite the increase in domestic consumption the compensation for decline in industrial energy demands is impossible. This threatens the electricity grid and creates new opportunities for sustained operations.
The great fall of conventions
It won’t be surprising to encounter periodic reshaping of our movement scenario for the next 2-3 years i.e. until covid-19 threat remains persistent. Montly lockdows and reduction in free movement time will become the new normal for the world. Such sinusoidal behavior may impact to the generation, transmission, and distribution capacity of transformers, as they are not designed to stand against daily dynamic rating profiles. On such uncertain times, we may expect a general increase in the rate of transformer deterioration due to severe operational stresses. The condition monitoring and preventive maintenance approach would then require some value addition. On other hands social-distancing, disruptive logiscs and supply chain will significantly affect maintenance practices by:
- restricting human movement
- significant delay in oil sampling to be then processed in most advanced world labs (Europe or North America)
- incompliance in monitoring system delivery and installation due to delay in their delivery or raw materials in the upstream supply chain
New Frontiers
As an aftermath of such measures, we expect following incoming trends in predictive maintenance business:
- decentralized laboratory capabilities (not related to providing adequate skills to involved personel)
- increase in remote or standoff support demand with smaller and rapid-action offers
- digitalization and further increase in installing built-in or plug-and-play devices on transformers
We believe RONIN and next generation solutions by SeetaLabs will perfectly fit these new scenarios for following reasons:
- 24/7 availability
- friendly and easy access to assessment backup support
- wide range products for “pret a porter” user experience
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