by Seetalabs | Jun 6, 2023 | Condition Monitoring, Predictive Maintenance, Sustainability
The emerging need for clean energy transition focuses largely on the best practices of sustainability and digitalization for managing product lifecycle. The moment quite pivotal for distribution network operator (DNO), distribution system operator (DSO) or...
by Seetalabs | May 24, 2023 | Condition Monitoring, Predictive Maintenance
Transformers are critical assets in industrial and electrical processes. According to the CIGRE transformer reliability survey, 1 out of every 200 transformers fails annually. Thus, there is a higher demand for online and continuous monitoring systems to prevent...
by Seetalabs | May 11, 2023 | Condition Monitoring, Predictive Maintenance
Often asset managers ponders if online and real-time condition monitoring is the key to digital transformation. Online condition monitoring is critical for a reliable asset management strategy. However, a comprehensive insight of the emerging trends and challenges in...
by Seetalabs | Apr 24, 2023 | Power Transformers
Transformer health indexing (THI) is an industrial strategy to rank transformers within a fleet according to their intervention priority. A THI score can help in ensuring commendable decisions on repair, replacement, and refurbishment of transformers in a grid. They...
by Seetalabs | Mar 21, 2022 | AI, Article, Enegy Transition, Energy, Health Index, net zero
We are at the doorstep of an energy crisis trilemma- security, affordability, and sustainability of power generation and distribution sources. Furthermore, exogeneous factors like weather fluctuation can also put the national energy system under pressure. Limited...